We did quite some gaming and saw the big five and a lot of other interesting animals. Thanks to Willem and Madaleen Schultheis, who were so friendly that we could use their car during the conference!! Some foto’s are attached.
The second was on reproduction, where I presented quite some of the PhD work of Chaidate Inchaisri (I have written before about that work earlier) and some new material of Niels Rutten, who is currently doing a PhD. The third presentation was to replace somebody who unfortunately could not attend the meeting and the topic he was to present about was economics of mastitis, that was something I could do quite quickly, since I have a lot of material about mastitis readily available. In fact it was a presentation I gave before in Spain
The fourthpresentation was about Q fever. The organization asked me to present something
on the Dutch goad and/or sheep sector. Luckily I was, together with Mirjam
Nielen, one of the advisors of Maaike Gonggrijp, who did her MSc thesis on a
quantified value chain analysis on the Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands in
The final presentation was scheduled at 8.00 AM, after the night of
the gala dinner and there was some good South African wine on that gala dinner.
To my great surprise the room was well filled. My compliments for the
discipline of the audience!! The presentation was an overview of the work ofMarjolein Derks, who will soon defend her thesis on Veterinary Herd Health and
Management Programs (VHHM) in the Netherlands. In my opinion, these programs
are of growing importance to the dairy industry. There is more and more
attention of society for healthy animals and that in combination with a
reduction in the use of antibiotics calls for more efforts in disease prevention.
Recently Marjolein got two papers published in the Journal of Dairy Science.
The first was a description of the participation of farmers in Veterinary Herd
Health and Management Programs, where she related this participation with
farmer characteristics, to see whether it is a specific part of the farmers
that are participating in VHHM. The most
carried out activities in VHHM were (still) fertility checks and advice about
fertility. The least carried out was advice on claw health and housing.
Especially those farmers that use information and trust information were found
to participate more often in VHHM. In the second paper, the information on
participation in VHHM was related to the data of CRV (the work was financed by
CRV, for which I gratefully want to acknowledge them!!).
Farmers who
participated in VHHM produced 336 kg of milk/cow per year more and their
average milk somatic cell count (SCC) was 8,340 cells/mL lower than farmers who
did not participate in VHHM. Participating herds, however, had an older age at
first calving (+12 d), a lower 56-d nonreturn rate percentage (−3.34%), and a
higher number of inseminations per cow (+0.09 inseminations). They also had more
cows culled per year (+1.05%), and a lower age at culling (−70 d). A
distinction was made in the level of participation. Participants in the
most-extended form of VHHM (level 3) had a lower SCC (−19,800 cells/mL), fewer
cows with high SCC (−1.70%), fewer cows with new high SCC (−0.47%), a shorter
calving interval (−6.01 d), and fewer inseminations per heifer (−0.07
inseminations) than participants in the least extended form of VHHM (level 1).
Level 3 participants, however, also had more cows culled per year (+1.74%) and
a lower age at culling (−103 d).
So from these data, it seems that VHHM is
associated with, very important, a better milk production level and udder
health . Reproductive performance is not necessarily better and there is some
more culling. The questions is now how these variables can be weighed
(economically) against eachother. We have carried out some economic analyses.
These are shortly summarized in the presentation and papers on these analyses
are out there somewhere, waiting to be published (the MSc work of Isioma Ifende
is recently accepted for publication) and hopefully accepted. So you will hear
more about this topic.